Hey! You’re okay, but can you stop being you?

Hey! You’re okay, but can you stop to be you?

These thoughts in my head, not being good enough, to be different.

Different than me. I have different thoughts, like my friends. Like my family.

Are these thoughts that I own, bad? – because they are different.

Since i was a child, I swam against the current. I have put myself against the wind and questioned everything I should do or make. I have chosen other things and set other priorities for myself.

Because I am a ‚Wild Spirit‘? Because I have an unruly soul, that does not want to change. – I dont know.

I have often been told that I have a special kind. A good special kind.

That I have dreams, that feel so real in my head, that I do not want to believe, that they can never be realized.

Yes, I tried to adapt myself, to buy the right shoes to stand. To make my make Up, to satisfy the image that they gave me.

But suddenly everything collapsed. My puzzle that I had assembled for years. – too much make Up on my pure skin. Too much smile, for things that made me cry.

My burnout or whatever it was. – was there.

Now I see for the first time, myself in all my colors and my features. Now I understand for the first time, why I was never happy. I look at myself in the mirror and look at my CV and saw ‚these are not the same people‘.

My lies, which I have confided, have now been laid openly on the table. I know now that no one ever could restrain my ‚wild soul‘, because I have a strong inner urge to be ‚I‘.

And I am glad about it, because I can live in the present and not in my past or future.

With this contribution, I want to encourage all those who feel different, or who are told to change.

The only right way for you, is the one you choose, for you! – No one else.